域名 | 郁金香域 https://blog.tulipdomains.com/zh/ Domain Name Registration and Web Hosting 我的, 14 可能 2012 18:59:36 +0000 zh hourly 1 29300558 域名建议工具,以及如何找到你的完美的域名 https://blog.tulipdomains.com/zh/2012/04/domain-suggestion-tools-and-how-to-find-your-perfect-domain-name/ https://blog.tulipdomains.com/zh/2012/04/domain-suggestion-tools-and-how-to-find-your-perfect-domain-name/#comments 免费, 20 四月 2012 14:04:26 +0000 http://www.domainblog.us/?p=62-zh 域名建议工具,以及如何找到你的完美的域名格雷厄姆·P·贝利

The post 域名建议工具,以及如何找到你的完美的域名 first appeared on 郁金香域.]]>
经过 格雷厄姆·P·贝利

是重要的选择正确的名称? 正如你可能已经猜到了, 当它来到互联网域名, 是的,它 是. 在选择理想的名字之前,我们必须考虑几件事, 在开始之前请记住,所需的名称很可能不可用! 互联网上有大量的域名, 而且那些非常短的集中名称已经使用了相当长一段时间了. 还有一些其他因素影响您的选择, 最相关的是活动的种类 – 您的主要收入依赖互联网吗, 或者您的收入通常有本地客户吗? 是否像使用众多免费域名建议工具之一一样简单, 还是还有更多的事情?

这些问题很关键, 因为它们改变了您选择域名的重要性. 对于依赖互联网的活动, 所有网站的圣杯都是在 Google 上找到高流量的关键字组合. 这是自然搜索流量. 如果您专注于本地客户, 然后是您的域名, 以及您的整体商业策略, 会有所不同. 如果您正在营销“吉他”, 可以说, 可以肯定的是,您找不到与这个非常广泛的关键字完全匹配的名称, 因为这是我们的目标 – 查找与搜索者正在搜索的关键字完全相同的域名. 关键词短语越广泛, 那么竞争就越大. 这大大降低了为该关键字购买价格合理的域名的机会. 那么如何找到这个难以捉摸的名字?

答案是选择长尾关键词, 它使用了不止几个词, 但返回合理的 Google 搜索量. 我们的主要关键词‘吉他’’ 太笼统了, 在 Google 上的查询将返回数百万页, 所以竞争太激烈了. 现在让我们关注“左手民谣吉他”, 例如, 那么就不会有那么多竞争. 不仅竞争会变得不那么激烈, 但购买一个与长尾关键词短语精确匹配的名称的可能性现在非常有利. 这是谷歌搜索算法的重要因素, but no-one knows what weighting the program assigns to this element.

似乎任何域名都需要精确匹配所需的关键词组合才能获得最大的成功机会, 特别是如果您的页面搜索引擎优化 (搜索引擎优化) 也关注该关键字. 与当地企业合作, 没那么难, 因为您只需要通知一定物理距离内的人就能找到您, and the tactics are different.

对于本地企业, 一种 域名的建议 工具可用于查找您的域名, 因为您不会依赖自然搜索流量. 在这种情况下,您将严重依赖页面搜索引擎优化, and also the site should be more of a description of your local service for people who have found you by traditional local advertising methods.


文章来源: HTTP://EzineArticles.com/?专家=格雷厄姆_P_贝利



[See image gallery at blog.tulipdomains.com] The post 域名建议工具,以及如何找到你的完美的域名 first appeared on 郁金香域.]]>
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域名估价: 他们是值得的成本? https://blog.tulipdomains.com/zh/2012/04/domain-name-appraisals-are-they-worth-the-cost/ https://blog.tulipdomains.com/zh/2012/04/domain-name-appraisals-are-they-worth-the-cost/#comments 周四, 19 四月 2012 21:03:35 +0000 http://www.domainblog.us/?p=58-zh 域名估价: 他们是值得的成本? 由史蒂夫·阿什顿你有没有想过

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域名估价: 他们是值得的成本?
经过 史蒂夫阿什顿

你有没有想过有评价您注册的域名之一, because you were considering selling it and wanted to know what a fair price would be? Maybe you’re just curious about how much your domain is worth? Did the high fees for detailed appraisal services turn you off of the idea, or are you still considering it?

Here’s a simple fact: Domain names, just like any other product or service, are worth whatever the market will bear.

What that means is that if a domain appraiser tells you that your domain name is worth $2500, but the most you can raise in an auction is $50, then your domain is really worth $50, not $2500. It’s basic economics. The market works on a supply-demand system. You’re supplying a certain domain name, and its value is entirely determined by how much demand there is for that name. If only one person in the world is interested in buying it from you, its value will be pretty low (unless of course you’re a squatter who jumped on a domain someone let expire, and you’re demanding an obscene price for it). On the other hand, if thousands of people desperately want the domain name that you’re selling, the price some people are willing to pay can skyrocket, making your domain name worth thousands.

How domains are appraised

Domain appraisal isn’t an exact science. A number of factors are considered, ranging from the length of the domain to the domain extension. Here are some of the considerations:

The domain extension – A .com domain is always valued higher than a .net, .org, or other extension for the same name.

The length of the domain name – Domains tend to be valued highest if you avoid going over 12 – 15 characters.

Dashes and Numbers – You’ll receive a higher appraisal if you avoid using numbers and dashes in your domain name.

Domain Prefixes – You’ll receive a lower appraisal if your domain name starts with any kind of prefix, whether it be an e, i, 这, an, etc.

Name Recognition – If you’re able to register a domain that can be easily recognized, such as one common dictionary word, you’ll receive a higher appraisal.

Name Relevance – If your domain specifically tells what services or products could be offered by its web site, then you’ll receive a higher appraisal.

Marketability – Could the domain name be marketed and promoted easily? Does it lend itself to an easy logo and site campaign? Can it be pronounced easily in a radio campaign without being confusing, such as having multiple possible spellings? Does it look attractive in print? If the answer to each question is yes, then you’ll receive a higher appraisal.

Worth the cost?

If nothing else, you need to understand that domain name appraisals are extremely subjective, and you could receive very different appraisals from two different appraisal companies. In a general sense, unless you absolutely must, a domain name appraisal is likely not worth the expense. When selling a domain name, many buyers require that you provide them with one. Some even tell you what appraisal companies they will and won’t accept. If that’s the case, agree to get the appraisal, but kindly let the customer know that if they demand one, they’ll be responsible for the fee up-front, or you’ll add it to their bill when processing the sale. Other than that, if you want an honest opinion on one of your domain names, there are countless free forums on the Web where experienced professionals in buying and selling domains will give you their free input, based on what they’ve seen similar domains sell for recently. It might be a better use of your time to get various opinions that way, and decide for yourself what you feel your domain is worth. And if you considered getting a domain appraisal simply out of curiosity, remember this: your company’s domain name is as valuable as you feel it is. If you couldn’t run your company without it, it’s priceless.

Learn more domain name tips and advice at HTTP://www.domainnamescenter.com or read web development articles at HTTP://www.webdevshed.com

文章来源: HTTP://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Steve_Ashton



[See image gallery at blog.tulipdomains.com] The post 域名估价: 他们是值得的成本? first appeared on 郁金香域.]]>
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陷阱需要提防对于当购买高PR域名 https://blog.tulipdomains.com/zh/2012/04/pitfalls-to-watch-for-when-purchasing-high-pr-domains/ https://blog.tulipdomains.com/zh/2012/04/pitfalls-to-watch-for-when-purchasing-high-pr-domains/#respond 周四, 19 四月 2012 20:22:14 +0000 http://www.domainblog.us/?p=55-zh 陷阱需要提防对于当购买高PR域名卡伦柯比你可能有

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经过 Karen Kirby

You may have seen on eBay and other auctions high pagerank (PR) domains for sale. You may have even considered purchasing one of these domains. How do you ascertain the value of such a domain?

First of all, you must verify the PR of the domain name that you are thinking of purchasing. Then, even if the site has a high PR, it still may NOT be indexed by Google, and if a site is not indexed, that’s sort of like a word not being in the dictionary. Google may think it’s a great word based on the PR, but if they don’t index it, it won’t be found in Google’s “dictionary.”

It may seem inconceivable that Google will give PR to a site they don’t index, but I’ve seen it happen many times. Google explains it’s because the algorithms that index sites are constantly updating, but the algorithms that calculate PR update less frequently, and sometimes the two processes are not in synch.

Be that as it may, I’ve seen high PR domains for sale that are NOT indexed in Google. What you can do to find out whether the domain is indexed in Google is to type site:www.nameofthedomain.com into the search bar. If Google comes back with a page that says, “Your search – site:www.nameofthedomain.com – did not match any documents” — well, the site is not indexed in Google.

You can try the same thing in Yahoo and MSN and see if any pages are indexed in those search engines. If the domain is well-indexed in Yahoo and MSN, and getting a lot of traffic, it may not matter if the domain is not indexed by Google.

然而, another important factor in purchasing a domain is how many backlinks, or links from other sites, the domain has. You can type link:www.nameofthedomain.com into Google, and it will tell you which sites are linking to the domain. Once again, I’ve seen sites with high PR that only had one or even no backlinks!

If you are considering purchasing a domain with a high PR that is not well indexed or doesn’t have many backlinks, you’ve got to stop and think for a minute. Google has made it well known that it considers relevant backlinks, among many other criteria, in assessing PR. Now if the domain has no or few backlinks, how long do you think it will keep its PR?

So when considering the purchase of a high PR domain, be sure to perform your due diligence. Always check out every aspect of the domain — PR, 索引, and backlinks — using several independent tools. None of the tools are 100% accurate at any given moment, and so it’s to your advantage to use them all and compare results.

Karen Kirby possesses decades of experience in the computer industry, a BA in Honors English, and an MS in Computer Science. She has been helping people with Internet marketing since 1995. For expert advice on Internet marketing, 请拜访 HTTP://www.solutionmarketingsystem.com.

版权 2006 – Karen Kirby. All Rights Reserved Worldwide.

文章来源: HTTP://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Karen_Kirby



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